鳳甲美術館 Hong-Gah Museum
開放時間 Open Hours 10:30-17:30(週一休館 Closed on Monday)
11F., No. 166, Daye Road, Beitou District, Taipei City 11268, Taiwan
TEL 886-2-28942272︱www.hong-gah.org.tw
奇拉.塔西米克 |
菲律賓 |
Kidlat Tahimik |
The Philippines |
1983, feature film, 94'00" |
奇拉.塔西米克可以說是菲律賓影史的重量級人物,於1977年推出的《灑了香水的惡夢》(Mababangong Bangungot)以一種類紀錄片的獨特方法帶出劇變中的菲律賓社會觀察,可以說是菲律賓獨立實驗電影的先驅者。1981年的《土倫巴》則延續這樣的創作手法,描寫菲律賓某小鎮面臨到全球化和資本化的過程;「土倫巴」是菲律賓本土化之後的天主教慶典,片中主人翁的家人原本是世代製作手工玩偶的家族,他們製作玩偶並於「土倫巴」慶典時販賣,但這一切都因為一位歐洲買家的介入,而徹底改變了其經濟結構並遠離了原本的宗教生活。本片將會在鳳甲美術館所在之北投八仙里文武廟的廟埕以及台南的宮廟,以16厘米形式進行「酬神」放映。 |
Kidlat Tahimik is no doubt one of the most prominent figures in Filipino film history. "Mababangong Bangungot (Perfumed Nightmare)" (1977) revealed his social observation toward the fast-changing Philippines with a distinctive semi-documentary technique, making Kidlat Tahimik a pioneer of Philippine independent experimental films. "Turumba" (1981) adopts the same technique, depicting a small town in Philippines in the face of globalization and capitalization."Turumba" is a localized Catholic festival in Philippines. The protagonist and his family make and sell wooden sculptures during the Turumba festival for livelihood from generation to generation. Due to the intervention of a European merchant, the economic structure is forced to change, away from the customs and traditions they used to have. This film will be screened with 16mm film at the square in front of Wen Wu Temple , Baxian Village, Beitou nearby Hong-Gah Museum and the temple in Tainan City as an offering to gods. |